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Content Packaging Specification

Content Packaging v1.2 Public Draft v2.0 specification describes data structures that can be used to exchange data between systems that wish to import, export, aggregate, and disaggregate packages of content. IMS content packages enable exporting content from one learning content management system or digital repository and importing it into another while retaining information describing the media in the content package and how it is structured, such as a table of contents or which web page to show first. The Content Packaging Specification focuses on the packaging and transport of resources but doesn’t determine the nature of those resources. This is because the specification allows adopters to gather, structure, and aggregate content in an unlimited variety of formats.

Content Packaging v1.2 is undergoing standardisation by ISO/IEC. We expect the ISO/IEC version to be voted on as a full standard in late November 2009. However, there will be a delay before the ISO/IEC documents are available to buy.

 The technical information is identical to that adopted by ISO/IE; only the descriptive information and format is changed.

Content Packaging v1.2 Public Draft 2

Version 1.2 Public Draft 2 Specification - HTML
Content Packaging Specification Primer
Content Packaging Information Model
Content Packaging XML Binding
Content Packaging Best Practice Guide

XML Schema

Content Packaging v1.1.4 Final

 Content Packaging v1.1.4 final specification is maintenance release of the Content Packaging v1.1.3 specification. The substantive differences between the v1.1.3 and the v1.1.4 specifications are limited to:

  1. Name-spacing of 'xml:lang' - ensure that the 'xml:lang' attribute is used instead of the 'x:lang' attribute and that the associated namespacing and schema location is correctly identified in the XSD;
  2. Conflicting information on <organizations> - confirm that the <organizations> element must occur once in a manifest;
  3. Clarification on the order of elements in a manifest - state that the XML Binding imposes the implied order described in the Information Model;
  4. Typographic corrections in the best practice document - editorial correction for one of the examples demonstrating the usage of the 'isvisible' attribute;
  5. Removal of reference to the <variation> element - ensure that there are no reference to the <variation> element;
  6. Correction for online validation of the examples - amend the examples to ensure that the online validation works correctly;
  7. Clarification on the length for the string contained in the 'href' attribute - clarify the interaction of the 'href' and 'xml:base' attributes and the consequence on the maximum length of the HRef created;
  8. Clarification on the usage of external meta-data in Best Practice Guide - state that the support for external meta-data requires the usage of an extension;
  9. Placing and scope of meta-data with a content package - state that the aggregation etc. of the different sets of meta-data within a content package is an implementation independent feature;
  10. The normative parameter construction algorithm is not complete - correction of the algorithm that uses parameters to create an HRef;
  11. Clarification on the usage of local and remote XSDs for instance validation - explain which XML control files need to be placed in the root of the content package;
  12. Explain how 'xml:base' should be used in sub-manifests - clarify the usage of the 'xml:base' attribute with sub-mainfests;
  13. More guidance or requirements are needed to explain sub-manifest merging process - provide guidance on how sub-manifests can be merged;
  14. Clarification on the use of the default attribute on the <organizations> element - state that the default attribute must point to a direct child <organization> in the manifest;
  15. Sub-manifest referencing using the <dependency> element - state that this element cannot point to something in a sub-manifest;
  16. Item element multiplicity is not the same in the Information Model and Binding documents - ensure that the element multiplicity is consistently defined in the Information Model and the XML Binding and XSD.
  17. Correcting the diagrams in the Information Model and Best Practice that reference "physical files".

Content Packaging v1.1.4 was reviewed by the IMS Global Technical Advisory Board in October 2004.

Version 1.1.4 - Final Specification - HTML

XML Schema

1EdTech Content Packaging v1.1.3 Final

IMS Content Packaging v1.1.3 final specification is maintenance release of the specification.

Note: This specification updated on July 1, 2003 corrects an editorial error that inadvertently left the <variation> element set in Table 4.1 of the Information Model; this element is now removed from the specification.

Version 1.1.3 - Final Specification - HTML - SUPERCEDED BY Content Packaging v1.1.4

XML Bindings, DTDs, and Examples

 Content Packaging v1.1.2 Final

The Content Packaging Specification provides the functionality to describe and package learning materials, such as an individual course or a collection of courses, into interoperable, distributable packages. Content Packaging addresses the description, structure, and location of online learning materials and the definition of some particular content types.

The Content Packaging Specification is aimed primarily at content producers, learning management system vendors, computing platform vendors, and learning service providers. Learning materials described and packaged using the  Content Packaging XML format should be interoperable with any tool that supports the Specification. Content creators can develop and distribute material knowing that it can be delivered on any compliant system, thereby protecting their investment in rich content development.

Final Version 1.1.2 of the Content Packaging Specification was released to the public in August 2001, and is comprised of three documents. It contains some editorial errata and provides additional clarification to several issues as requested by implementers and working group members. Links to PDF files of the relevant materials are provided below.

Version 1.1.2 - Final Specification - HTML - SUPERCEDED BY Content Packaging v1.1.4

XML Bindings, DTDs, and Examples

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